Post-modern rock with somewhat nonsensical lyrics delivered in that fast pitter-patter way reminiscent of Bob Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues." Kulick's vocals are heavily processed to give it them that machine-line tinge. Just one song out of the gate and we already get a couple of lyrical nods to Kiss, as Kulick drops line that name-check "War Machine" and "Shout It Out Loud" -- ironically both songs that pre-dated his joining the band.
"Ain't Gonna Die"
The Kiss love continues with Gene Simmons co-writing and singing this track. As usual, fame and immortality are on Simmons' mind and the songwriting moves through twist and turns and some experimental orchestration at the end. Recommended for fans of the Demon's 1978 solo album.
"I'll Survive"

Pink Floyd-like strumming dominates this track that addresses Kulick's experience getting shot by a stray bullet a few years back. Sample lyric: "The warm, smoking gun couldn't take me away / My life was spared, I was blessed that day."
"Dirty Girl"
Ah, now we're finally getting to the heart of the album with this cut and the next. "Dirty Girl" is pure pop-rock paradise in the vein of Enuff Z'Nuff or some of Paul Gilbert's King of Clubs album. There's a strong, melodic footprint and perhaps the best, sweetest-sounding vocals of the entire album, courtesy of the Knack's Doug Fieger (of "My Sharona" fame).
"Final Mile"
A heart-achingly beautiful song that has harmonic shades of "God Gave Rock N' Roll to You." If you loved the vague classical feel and dual-guitar harmonies of Kiss' cover of the Argent song, you're sure to love "Final Mile" too.
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