The first person to post the correct name of this female metal musician right here on Metal-Mixtape or e-mail it to union.enterprises@yahoo.com will win an autographed promo picture of Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson. Contest is only open to residents of the continental United States and ends August 14, 2006, at 10 a.m. ET. The winner will be announced that same day.
I believe this Who Am I? contest is much harder than the last one. But don't worry if you're stumped -- if there's no defintive winner, I'll give the prize to the person who comes closest to the correct answer, in which case my decision will be final. So guess early and often!
No idea really. Looks like a women, but who knows. I'll guess Jody Turner of Rock Goddess although it looks like the signature is someone whose name has a V in it.
As I am in the vicinity, I will not even try!
Thodore - I can't guess who that is, it kind of looks like the guy from Cinderella! - BTW I dig the blog
Is it April Lawton?
I was thinking Kim McAuliffe of Girlschool, but where's her guitar? Hmmm....
is it the guitar player of UFO-
tommy m. or something like that?
Late to the party, but is that Irene from Xenon?
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